Basic Course Level 04

  • Category Light and Devotional Songs

  • Certificate Yes

  • Medium of instruction Malayalam

Light and devotional songs capture the quintessence of a region and the aesthetics of its people, giving expression to their thoughts and philosophy.

The students should have either completed our Basic Course Level 03 in Light music or have a good background in music, which will be assessed by our team through online auditions.

You are required to complete 12 sessions in order to get certified for this level. 

This course covers many aspects that covers the following areas:

Session 1,2: LDB04 – Learning Prarthana Gaanam

Session 3,4,5: LDB04 – Hindi Film based Devotional Song

Session 6,7,8: LDB04 – Learning Light Song 6

Session 9,10,11: LDB04 – Learning Christian Devotional Song

Session 12 : Test and evaluation of LDB04

You will learn more light and devotional songs.  You will feel confident to sing before your friends and well-wishers.  You will enjoy learning.

You are required to complete 12 sessions in order to get certified for this level. 

Available Batches

Batches will be added soon.