Light and Devotional Songs

Light and devotional songs capture the quintessence of a region and the aesthetics of its people, giving expression to their thoughts and philosophy.

In retrospect, one cannot trivialize the contributions of All India Radio in instilling a taste for Light music, particularly among Keralites. Before the proliferation of satellite channels, up until the early 21st century, light songs composed by K. Raghavan, M.G. Radhakrishnan and such legendary composers used to resonate in Malayali homes through Akashvani. Similarly, devotional songs have always been a part and parcel of Indian musical heritage. Kerala, with its rich religious diversity, has always stayed secular in appreciating the musicality of devotional songs of all customs and beliefs.

Play the video to listen to what MJ thinks of Light and Devotional Songs.

Light music imparts sophistication through its simplicity. The composition itself need not be light to sing, depending upon the intricacy of the tune and other elements infused. Light songs are mostly poetry driven and their thematics cover philosophy, nature, romance, ethnicity, and spirituality.

Devotional songs, communicate the “Bhakthi Rasa” in various expressions of prayer such as praising, pleading, hailing, and celebrating the divine. The distinctive tune and semantic content encapsulate the flavor of different belief systems. The meaning of the lyrics revolves around religious devotion. However, from a strictly musical perspective, devotional music pacify your mind and the lyrics serve to further revitalize the music both emotionally and intellectually.

Play the video to listen to what MJ thinks of Light and Devotional Songs.

Light music is peculiarly distinctive as it is rich in poetry and melody. Singing these songs is a good exercise to unveil your potency of vocal expression from low to high registers so that the sweetness of the melody is retained and the grandeur of the poetry is escalated.  As a singer, it is important to understand, acknowledge and appreciate the characteristics of different cultural and religious styles of music.  Devotional songs are a compendium of these cultural nuances. Learning these songs would serve as a reference library at a later stage when you have to sing film songs with religious texture and tune.

Our Gurus with their broad range of experience both in playback singing and classical singing will guide you to focus on what is pertinent and render these songs effortlessly. Above all, MJ has a special place in the realm of light music and devotional songs with his exemplary compositions.

It would be a golden opportunity for our students to interact with the maestro himself and learn about the controlled, yet expressive style of singing the gems of light music.

Play the video to listen to what MJ thinks of Light and Devotional Songs.


Light and Devotional Songs Basic Course Level 01

Light music needs to be sung light; but with subtle nuances and mind blowing expressions. Come, let's learn how to do that.

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Light and Devotional Songs Basic Course Level 02

The genre of light devotional songs bring bliss to your innerself. Experience it and grow better as a singer.

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Light and Devotional Songs Basic Course Level 03

Light and devotional songs capture the quintessence of a region and the aesthetics of its people, giving expression to their thoughts and philosophy.

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Light and Devotional Songs Basic Course Level 04

Light and devotional songs capture the quintessence of a region and the aesthetics of its people, giving expression to their thoughts and philosophy.

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Light and Devotional Songs Intermediate Course Level 01

How to feel music in all its subtlety; how to make your audience feel the same - enjoy learning songs from our Gurus.

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Light and Devotional Songs Intermediate Course Level 02

With more songs in your kitty, feel confident to sing with improved perfection. Sing from within the song.

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Light and Devotional Songs Intermediate Course Level 03

Devotional songs give you ample scope to connect with your inner self through music. Learn the tricks and the techniques from our Gurus.

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Light and Devotional Songs Intermediate Course Level 04

Light and Devotional songs give you ample scope to connect with your inner self through music. Learn the tricks and the techniques from our Gurus.

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Light and Devotional Songs Advanced Course Level 01

Our Gurus with their broad range of experience in playback singing will guide you to sing light and devotional songs effortlessly.

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Light and Devotional Songs Advanced Course Level 02

With stress on voice modulation, you are on the right path. You will feel the confidence and relish being under the tutelage of our Gurus.

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Light and Devotional Songs Advanced Course Level 03

By emphasizing the importance of voice modulation, you are heading in the correct direction. You will experience and enjoy the guidance provided by our esteemed Gurus.

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Light and Devotional Songs Advanced Course Level 04

By emphasizing the importance of voice modulation, you are heading in the correct direction. You will experience and enjoy the guidance provided by our esteemed Gurus.

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Light and Devotional Songs Advanced Course Level 05

Light music imparts sophistication through its simplicity. Light songs are mostly poetry driven and their thematic cover philosophy, nature, romance, ethnicity, and spirituality.

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Light and Devotional Songs Advanced Course Level 06

Light music exudes sophistication through its simplicity. These songs are often poetic, exploring themes like philosophy, nature, romance, ethnicity, and spirituality.

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